Electrification Division (ED), Distribution Construction Department (DCD), Distribution Services (DS), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC), Thimphu would like to notify that the sale of bids mentioned below is hereby extended as follows:
- Name of work: Construction and completion of Electricity Distribution Infrastructure work (labour contract) under Thimphu Dzongkhag. (Bid No & Date: BPC/DS/DCD/ED/PW/C-01 dated July 18, 2020) – upto 17.00 hours of 14 September 2020. The last date for submission of bid shall be 15 September 2020 (on or before 13.00 hours) and it will be opened on the same day at 14.30 hours.
- Name of work: Construction of RRM cable trench for Dhamdum Industrial Park under Samtse Dzongkhag (Bid No & Date: BPC/DS/DCD/ED/C-02 dated July 25, 2020) – upto 17.00 hours of 16 September 2020. The last date for submission of bid shall be 17 September 2020 (on or before 13.00 hours) and it will be opened on the same day at 14.30 hours.
The other terms and conditions remain same.
Senior Manager