Notice Inviting Tender

Tashi Lhamo Tender Tags:

Tender No.: BPC/TS/TD/SMD/Jig -Civil/2022-01

Bhutan Power Corporation Limited would like to invite sealed bids from eligible Small Class (W3) Bhutanese Contractors registered with Construction Development Board (CDB) having valid trade license and CDB certificate for the Repair and Maintenance of Buildings and Civil Structures for the following:

Package & LocationBid SecurityContract Period
Package A: Jigmeling  Nu: 44,000.00  120 days (4) months  
Package B: Dhajay and Dagapela  Nu: 19,000.00  90 days (3) months  
Package C: Tintibi and YurmooNu: 35,000.00105 days (3.5) months
Cost of bid documentNu. 1,000/- (Non-refundable) for hard copy. Soft copy can be download from BPC website 
Date of sale21.06.2022 – 07.07.2022 
Date of submission07.07.2022 (Before 12:00 Hrs.) 
Date of opening07.07.2022 (15:00 Hrs.) 
Venue for openingConference Hall, ESD, Gelephu. 

Interested bidders may purchase/download complete set of bidding documents upon submission of written application to the Sr. Divisional Manager, SMD, TD, BPC, Jigmeling on or before 7th July, 2022 during working hours. The bid security must be submitted in the form of Bank Draft/Cash Warrant/Bank Guarantee drawn in favor of DDO, FAS, BPC, Gelephu valid till 21st September, 2022. For any other queries, contact 17668119 / 77722888.