Category: Internal


Sonam Lhaden Internal Tags:

Bhutan Power Corporation Limited is pleased to announce the selected candidates for the post of Manager for ESD, Wangdue, and TOMS, Gyelpozhing.

For details, please download the link below:


Tashi Dema Internal

In pursuant to the internal vacancy announcement of Manager,

  1. TOMS, Gyelpozhing, Mongar (vide letter No. 08/BPC/SSD/HRMS/2024/2599 dated August 15, 2024) and
  2. Electricity Services Division, DCSD, Wangdue (vide letter No. 22/BPC/SSD/HRMS/2024/2600 dated August 15, 2024),

The following attached candidate is shortlisted for further selection interview. The interview details and schedule are also mentioned.

The Support Services Division (SSD), CSD, BPC, Thimphu,  is pleased to announce the internal vacancies for the positions of Managers at ESD, Wangdue and TOMS, Gyelpozhing, Mongar. For detailed information, please refer to the attached “Terms of Reference.”

Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications to the following officials no later than 5:00 PM, August 23 (Friday), 2024:

1. Cheten Lhamo ( /17618793)   –  For the position of Manager, ESD, Wangdue Phodrang.

2. Deki Yuden ( /17587090)   –   For the position of Manager, TOMS, Gyelpozhing, Mongar.

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the designated officials.


Sonam Lhaden Internal Tags:

The post of the Divisional Manager, Electricity Services Division, Wangdue was announced internally vide letter. No. BPC/HRA/HR-01/2022/465 dated March 15, 2024. As per the selection interview held on March 27, 2024, HRMS, SSD is pleased to declare the outcome of the selection result as follows:

Sl. No.Candidate NamePersonal No.Present OfficeResult
1Sangay Choden30002444ESD, TrongsaSelected as Divisional Manager ESD, Wangdue


Sonam Lhaden Internal Tags:

Pursuant to the internal vacancy announcement for the post of Manager, ESD, Wangdue announced
vide letter no. BPC/HRA/HR-01/2022/465 dated 15 March 2024, the following candidate is shortlisted for further selection process:

Sl. No.Candidate NamePersonal No.OfficeRemarks
1Sangay Choden30002444ESD, DCSD,TrongsaShortlisted

The interview for the shortlisted candidate shall be conducted virtually on 27 March 2024 (Wednesday) from 10:00 AM onwards. The office will share the online link on the day of interview before 30 minutes.

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