NIT for Construction of single storey office building & G+2 staff quarter along with site development works at ESSD Yadi, Mongar

Sonam Choki Tender Tags:


Bhutan Power Corporation Limited would like to invite Sealed bids from eligible Large Class (W3) Bhutanese Contractors registered with Construction Development Board (CDB) having valid trade license and CDB certificate for the following work:

Sl. NoDescriptionsDetails
1Bid forConstruction of single storey office building & G+2 staff quarter (six units) along with site development works at ESSD Yadi, Mongar. (Estimated Cost :  Nu.23.3M )
2Bid SecurityNu. 466,000.00/-
3Date of sale19.10.2020 – 16.11.2020
4Date of submission17.11.2020 (Before 12:00 hrs)
5Date of opening17.11.2020  (15:30 hrs)
6Venue for openingBPC Conference Hall, Thimphu    

Interested bidders may download complete set of bidding documents from below before 12:00 hours, November 16, 2020 after registering with Ms. Phuntsho Choden, Executive Engineer, CWD, DCD, Thimphu.  For any other queries contact # 02-335406 during office hours. 

Bid Document

Senior Manager