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Notice Inviting Quotation

Sonam Choki Tender Tags:

The Regional Stores Division (RSD), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC), Gelephu, would like to invite sealed bids for the following:

a) Tender No.:            11/BPC/RSD/GPHU/2021/01 dated 17th April 2021
b) Bids for:                 Printing, supply and delivery of reflective sticker for danger plates.
c) Cost of bid document:Nu. 1000.00 (Non- refundable).
d) Date of sale:From 0900 hours of 19.04.2021 to 1200 hours of 20.05.2021.
e) Place of sale (address):          Regional Stores Division, BPC, Pelrithang, Gelephu, Bhutan. Tel # 00975-6-251607/251608 Post Box# 199                
f) Date for submission of bids:20.05.2021 (1200 hours)
g) Date for opening of bids:20.05.2021 (1430 hours)
h) Venue for opening of bids:ESD, BPC Conference Hall, Gelephu.
i) EMD:Nu. 10.000/- (Nu. Ten thousand) only in favour of DDO, FAD, BPC, Gelephu in the form of DD/CW/BG.

The bidding document can be purchased by any interested eligible bidder on the submission of written application together with the business license copy to the above address on or before 1200 hours of 20th May 2021.

The bidding document can also be downloaded from below.

Bid Document

However, the bidders should print a copy of the document by themselves. Bidders who have downloaded the bidding documents from the website should register themselves with RSD, BPC, Gelephu upon payment of Nu. 200.00 (Nu. Two hundred) only on or before the closing of the bid sale date with a written application together with the business license copy to make the bid enforceable.