Letter of Intent

Devi Charan Tender Tags:

No. BPC/ESD/GP/Tech-06/2021/ Date: 13/05/2021

The Bidder, (Contact # 17749036)
M/s. 9T2 Construction,

Subject: Letter of Intent

Reference: i) Tender No. BPC/ESD/GP/TENDER/2021/(01)
ii) Addendum No. BPC/ESD/GPH/Tech-06/2021/151 dated 21/04/2021

Dear Sir,
This is to notify you that, it is our intension to award the contract for your bid dated 07/05/2021 for execution of “Miscellaneous Civil Works of ESD & RSD, BPC, Gelephu” for the Contract Price of Nu. 2,660,742.09 (Ngultrum Two Million Six Hundred Sixty Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Two & Cheltrum Nine) only as corrected and modified in accordance to the Instructions to Bidders.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Tshering Nidup)
Chief Divisional Manager