WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2021-Mass Cleaning Campaign of Chubachhu Stream

Sonam Choki General

The WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY observed on 5th June every year is one of the major annual events organized by the United Nations (UN) to generate awareness about the importance of nature. According to the UN the theme of this year’s World Environment Day is ‘ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION’ and ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ can take many forms such as planting trees, greening cities, rewilding gardens, changing diets, or cleaning up streams, rivers, and lakes.

Therefore, to mark this important day, Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC) celebrated the ‘WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY’ 2021 in a small way by organizing volunteers from the company spearheaded by Environment, GIS, and Survey Division by cleaning the section of the Chubachu Stream near Chubachhu power substation. This section of the stream was adopted by BPC in 2017 and the cleaning of the stream has been an annual event.

Volunteers (Director, HRCS, Project Director & Staff) have collected about 15 bags of waste from the stream and stream bank comprised of household wastes, old rugs and clothes, construction debris, sanitary pads, plastic, PET bottles, and soda cans.

The EGSD will organize such cleaning campaign annually.