Notice Inviting Bids

Tashi Lhamo Tender

Procurement Services Department, Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Thimphu, invites eligible bidders to submit e-bids through e-procurement system ( for the below mentioned tender:

Sl. No.Tender No. & DateTender NameDate for saleDate for Submission of bidsDate of opening of bids
1BPC/PSD/2023 Materials/2022/11Supply and Delivery of Poles, Pole Fittings, Transformers, ARCB & Sectionalizer, and FPI.From 13.8.2022 to 8.9.20228.9.2022, Thursday (13:00 Hrs)8.9.2022, Thursday (14:15 Hrs)

The interested eligible bidders are kindly requested to visit the website: for vendor registration and to submit the bid online. The user manual for vendor registration and bidding process is available on the website.