Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd. declared Go Live for the Integration of SAP ISU System with AMI (Advanced Meter Infrastructure) System today (December 30, 2022).
The project is being implemented by Thimphu TechPark Ltd (TTPL)in collaboration with DrukSmart Private Limited. The SAP – AMI Integration project is envisioned to obtain accurate and automatic meter reading, conduct timely billing, reduce meter reading cost, bring operational efficiency related to billing and energy data management, ensure proper tamper and energy theft detection for corrective measures, take up real time power quality monitoring and reliability analysis, achieve customer service excellence and adopt technology excellence.
The Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) communicates between SAP ISU and Metering System platform connected to smart meters, allowing two-way communication between BPC’s billing system and the customers smart meters.
Under the current phase, 5000 smart meters under ESD – Thimphu will be integrated with SAP ISU system to automate time-consuming and expensive manual tasks such as meter reading and billing disconnecting/reconnecting a meter in the current scope.
Under the next phase, the same will be rolled out to other ESD/ESSDs.