Tashi Dema Tender Tags:

NIT No: BPC/PD/Security Uniform/2023/14

Procurement Division ( the Purchaser ), BPC, Thimphu would like to invites Bids from eligible Bidders for procurement of Supply and Delivery of Security Uniform as per the scope of supply mentioned hereinafter.

Detailed specifications, scope of supply and terms and conditions are given in the Bidding Documents, which are available as per the schedule below:

Document available period (date)From April 15, 2023 to May 16, 2023.
Bid submission (date & time)Up to May 16, 2023 by 14:30 hours.
Pre-bid meeting (if any)Not Applicable.
Bid opening date, time & placeMay 16, 2023 at 15:00 hours at BPC Conference Hall.
Bidding Documents shall be availableInterested eligible bidders may obtain further information on the bid and inspect the uniform samples at the office of Procurement Division, Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd, Thimphu, bhutan
A complete set of bidding documents can be downloaded from the BPC Website free of charges. But should register with purchaser on or before the closing of Bid Sale Date. The registration shall be done through written application together with the business license copy to make the bid enforceable.

For more details please download the bid documents from following: