Notice Invitation For Sealed Bid Auction

Sonam Lhaden Tender Tags: , ,

Bhutan Power Corporation Limited cordially invites interested Bidders to participate in a sealed bid auction for the sale of vehicles and unserviceable items. The auction will be held at Phuentsholing and Gelephu.

1Auction Bid No.B11/BPC/PD/Auction/2023/02
2Bidding Period01/07/2023 – 12/07/2023
3Latest date of Bid submission1700 hours on 12/07/2023
4Place of submissionCentral Stores, BPC, Phuentsholing
Regional Store, BPC, Gelephu
5Time & date of opening of Bids1000 hours on 13/07/2023
6Registration FeeNu. 500/- (Non-refundable)

Download the Bid document from below: