Sonam Lhaden Tender Tags: , ,

The Electricity Services Division, Distribution & Customer Services Division, Distribution Department, Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Paro invites sealed bids from service provider on Hotel Accommodation in and around Paro:

NIQ No.1/BPC/DCSD/ESD/PARO/2024/ 377
Sale of biding documentAugust 08, 2024  to August 15,2024
Last date for Bid receipt & timeUp to August 15, 2024 by 14:30 hours
Bid opening date & timeOn August 15, 2024 at 15:00 hours in the conference hall ESD Paro.

A complete set of bidding documents can be downloaded from the link below. The bidders should register with a written application along with a trade license with the purchaser on or before the closing of the bid sale date. For any queries, contact at 17677724/ 17984414 during office hours.

Senior Divisional Manager