NIQ – Labour Contract for Plan Works and Right of Way Clearing (ROW)
The ESD, BPC, Wangdue invites sealed bids from small categories of Bhutanese National Contractors in W4 (Power and Telecommunication) mentioned in the bidding documents having valid Trade License and registered with the Construction Development Board (CDB) for the works as mentioned below:
Tender No. | BPC/ESD/WAE/PMU-08(VOL-I)2k20/ dated June 24, 2020 |
Bid Details | |
a. Sale of Bid Document | June 24, 2020 to July 23, 2020 |
b. Bid Security | Package A: 13,000.00 |
Package B: 27,000.00 | |
c. Place of sale | ESD, BPC, Wangduephodrang |
d. Date of submission | July 23, 2020 (14:30 hours) |
e. Place of submission | ESD, BPC, Wangduephodrang |
f. Opening date | July 23, 2020 (15:00 hours) |
g. Place of opening | ESD, BPC, Wangduephodrang |