Tag: paro

This is to inform our valued customers that Electricity Services Division, BPC, Paro shall be taking shutdown of 33kV Shaba feeder on dated 10/6/2021 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM to facilitate the up-gradation works at Shaba substation.

However, ESD, BPC, Paro will try to minimize the outages and restore the supply at the earliest possible. For further information please contact the concern service centre.

During the time of shutdown, there will be no power supply to the following areas.

Whole villages under gewog, Chang Dungka, Changdungma, Bondey town, Jangtoena, Goenkha, Kikha & Lateykha under Wangchang Gewog and Woochu, Gabjana, Drugidingkha, Laptshathangkha & Jewphu under Luni Gewog.

ESD, Paro.