Tag: zero waste hour

Zero Waste Hour

Sonam Choki General Tags:

BPC observed the Zero Waste Hour on April 02 2021 where staffs from Head Office, Electricity Services Division and other BPC offices near the vicinity carried out an hour long cleaning campaign within the office premises and along the Samten Lam, Menchu Lam and Chang Lam areas. By the end of the campaign, the staffs have collected over 80 kg of dry wastes which was later sent to be disposed at Memelakha landfill.

The Zero Waste Hour shall be observed on the 2nd Day of every month to build awareness on the growing challenge of waste management in the country and also to contribute in our own little ways to address the same. Offices in other Dzongkhags, in particular the ESD, Phuentsholing has also observed the Zero Waste Hour.

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