BPC has launched a new version of myBPC mobile app for both the Andriod and iOS platform.
The new
feature provide customers to avail Customer Centric Portal & Self Meter Reading
To be innovative and efficient power utility driving the socio-economic
transformation of Bhutan.
To provide affordable, adequate, reliable and quality electricity services to
Culture & Value
Integrity, mutual respect for each other, professionalism, accountability,
care, and “Tha Dhamtse”.
Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC)
was formed as an offshoot of the erstwhile
Department of Power, the then Ministry
of Trade and Industry and was launched as
Public Utility Company on 1st July 2002
with an objective that the corporatization
of the utility functions would lead to greater
efficiency and better delivery of electricity
supply services in the power sector.
Later, the Ownership was transferred to Druk
Holding and Investment Limited (DHI), the
commercial arm of the Royal Government of
Bhutan, established in 2007 upon issuance
of Royal Charter in 2007 “to hold and
manage the existing and future investments
of the Royal Government for the long term
benefit of the people of Bhutan”
NIT for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 180kW Grid-tied ground mounted Solar Power Project at Rubessa under WangduePhodrang district, Bhutan
The Renewable Energy Division (RED), Distribution Construction Department (DCD), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC) is pleased to invite bid (Single Stage Single Envelope System – Technical Bid & Financial Bid under Single Envelop) from eligible bidders for the work “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 180kW Grid-tied ground mounted Solar Power Project at Rubessa under WangduePhodrang district, Bhutan”. The Eligibility Criteria are mentioned in the bidding document.
The soft copy of the complete set of Bidding Documents can be downloaded from below. Those who have downloaded & printed the bidding document should register with RED, BPC with on or before the closing of the bid sale date with application via email and upon payment of Nu. 200 (Ngultrum two hundred only) to make the bid enforceable.
BPC shall not be responsible for loss of documents or delay in dispatch through post. Further, the issuance of documents shall not construe automatic qualification of Bidders.
The bids shall be submitted via email with password protected to this email addresses pema_wangchuk@bpc.bt; drukchudorji@bpc.bt . However, the issuance of documents shall not construe automatic qualification of Bidders.
All bids must be accompanied by Earnest Money/Bid Security of Nu. 365,000.00 (Ngultrum Three Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand) in the form of electronic Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee that are being issued at the current situation by the banks and it should be valid at least up to 04/01/2021. For the purpose of determining the equivalent amount of the required Bid Security in a freely convertible currency, the exchange rates published by Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA) prevailing on the date 28 days prior to the deadline for bid submission shall be applied.
Before submission of the bid, bidders are required to make themselves fully conversant with the completeness of bid specifications.
Bids complete in all respects may be submitted via email to the address given below before 13:00 hours on 07/10/2020 and the bids shall be opened on the same day at 14:30 Hrs. online.
BPC reserves the right to cancel/withdraw/reject the bidding process without assigning any reason and shall bear no liability whatsoever consequent upon such a decision
The Employer shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with the preparation or delivery of bids and/or clarification meeting.