NIT for Labour Contract for Right of Way (RoW) clearing, casting of poles and LT extension works.

Sonam Choki Tender Tags:

The ESD, BPC, Wangdue invites sealed bids from small categories of Bhutanese National Contractors in W4 (Power and Telecommunication) mentioned in the bidding documents having valid Trade License and registered with the Construction Development Board (CDB) for the works as mentioned below:

Tender No:BPC/ESD/WAE/PMU-08(VOL-I)/2k21/02
Work Name:Labour Contract for Right of Way (RoW) clearing, casting of poles and LT extension works.
Bid Details
a) Sale of Bid DocumentFebruary 19, 2021 to March 19, 2021
b) Bid SecurityPackage A: 32000
Package B: 13000
c) Place of SaleESD, BPC, Wangduephodrang
d) Date of submissionMarch 19, 2021, (14:30 hours)
e) Place of submissionESD, BPC, Wangduephodrang
f) Opening DateMarch 19, 2020 (15:00 hours)
g) Place of OpeningESD, BPC, Wangduephodrang

A Complete set of bidding document may be purchased by any interested eligible bidder on submission of a written application with submission along with copy of valid trade license & CDB registration certificate to the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Nu. 1000 (Ngultrum One Thousand only) payable to Accountant, Finance & Accounts Section, ESD, BPC, Wangdue.

For any queries, contact at +975-2481282/17975737