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Salang Tendrel (Ground-Breaking) Ceremony for Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning, and Associated Civil Works of 400/220/66/33 kV Indoor Gas Insulated Substation at Norbugang Industrial Park (NIP), Samtse, was held on the 3rd of February, 2024.
The Salang was graced by the Honorable CEO of Bhutan Power Corporation and presided over by the venerable Lam Neten of Samtse Dzongkhang. The Dasho Dzongdag of Samtse Dzongkhag, accompanied by Directors of Departments and General Managers of Divisions from BPC HQ, colleagues from ESD Samtse, and counterparts from contractors, graced the event.
The 400/220/66/33 kV Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) has been constructed to provide a reliable and efficient power supply to the industries located at Norbugang Industrial Park, Samtse.