Sonam Lhaden jumbotron, Tender Tags: , ,

Bid No.: BPC/ESD/Zhem/W-01/2024/86

ESD, DCSD,DD,BPC Zhemgang would like to invite Sealed bids from eligible Small Class (W4 Category, Power and Telecommunication) Bhutanese National Contractors registered with Construction Development Board (CDB) having valid trade license and CDB certificate for the following work:

a)Bids forLabor Contract of Plan Works (Dept. Estimated: Nu. 2.05 million)
b)Bid SecurityNu. 41,020.70 (Ngultrum Forty One Thousand Twenty & Chetrum Seven Zero) only.
c)Cost of bid document Nu.1000/- (Non-refundable) for the purchase of hard copy & Nu.300 as register fee for those who downloaded from website.
dDate of sale18.03.2024-05.04.2024
e)Date of submission05.04.2024(Before 12:00 hrs)
f)Date of opening05.04.2024 (14:30 hrs)
g)Place of saleESD, BPC, Zhemgang
h)Venue for opening ESD, BPC Zhemgang O &M Room

Interested firm may purchase complete set of bidding documents on submission of written application along with copies of valid trade license and CDB registration certification to the Divisional Manager, DCSD, DD, BPC, Zhemgang on or before 05.04.2024 during working hours. The bidding document can also be downloaded from the link below or To register for participation or for any quarries, contact with Mr. Dorji Tshewang, via contact No. 17570630 and E-mail: