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Sonam Lhaden jumbotron, Tender Tags:

This is to inform that the following addendums are issued for the work ‘Repair and maintenance of
buildings and other civil structures for ESD, BPC, Trashigang’.

  1. The unit for item SL No. 6 ‘Filling of trenches, sides of foundations etc. in layers selected excavated earth, ramming etc. within lead 50 m & lift 1.5m including PCC 1:2:4 for the road area’ should be considered as (Cu.m) instead of (m) as stated in the tender document.
  2. The unit for item SL No. 13 ‘Providing & laying G.I. pipes including G.I. fittings (excluding trenching, refilling & thrust block) 80mm’ should be considered as (m) instead of (Kg) as stated in the tender document.