Sonam Lhaden jumbotron, Tender Tags:

Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC) would like to extend the submission deadline for the following tender. The document can be viewed and submitted online from the BPC website (

Tender No.:     BPC/C&PD/CMS/TENDER-2024/25

Work Name:   Supply, construction, testing and commissioning of one no. 132kV double circuit transmission line with ACSR PANTHER at Kilikhar, Mongar (approximately 1.1 km), and up-gradation of one line bay at the existing 132kV substation at Kilikhar.

Submission deadline:  1200 hours on August 20, 2024.

Tender Opening:  1430 hours on August 20, 2024.

BPC reserves the right to reject or accept the Bids or annul the bidding process without assigning any reason.