Bhutan Power Corporation Limited would like to invite Sealed bids from eligible Small Class (W4) Bhutanese Contractors registered with Construction Development Board (CDB) having valid trade license and CDB certificate for the following work:
Sl.No | Descriptions | Details |
1 | Bids for | “Annual Labour Contract Rate for Electrical Distribution Works Under Electricity Services Division, Bhutan Power Corporation LTD., Thimphu” |
2 | Bid Security | Nu. 10,500.00 |
3 | Cost of bid document | Nu. 1,000/- (Non-refundable) |
4 | Date of sale | 04.05.2022 – 19.05.2022 |
5 | Date of submission | 20.05.2022 (Before 1300 hrs) |
6 | Date of opening | 20.05.2022 (1430 hrs) |
7 | Venue for opening | Office of Chief Manager |
Interested Contractors may purchase complete set of bidding documents on submission of written application along with copies of valid trade license and CDB registration certification to the Chief Manager, Electricity Services Division, Distribution & Customer Services Department, BPC ,Thimphu on or before May 19,2022 during working hours.
For any other queries, +975 2 325 632
Substation Maintenance Division , Semtokha under Transmission Department, Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, would like to invite sealed bid for the Supply and Delivery of Annual Rate Contract 2022(ARC) as detailed below.
Sl.No | Tender No & Date | Tender Name | Bid Submission Date and Time | Opening of bids on the same day at: |
1 | BPC/TD/SMD/2022/47/191 dated April 29,2022 | Annual Rate Contract for supply and Delivery of Miscellaneous Items(electrical,civil & plumbing),Small T&P and furniture | 20th May 2022 (12:30 Hrs) | 15:00 hrs |
The Interested bidders may note and submit the details as per the bidding documents that can be downloaded from BPC website(www.bpc.bt) free of charge and should register with SMD Semtokha,BPC,Thimphu at or before 12:30 hours on 20th May 2022 with a written application together with the valid business license and tax clearance certificate to make the bid enforceable.
BPC invites sealed bids from the class categories of Bhutanese National with W4 (Power and Telecommunications) valid License and registered with the construction Development Board for construction of electricity distribution infrastructure works under the following
1.Right of Way (Row) clearing of Distribution Lines and casting of poles at Wangdue Dzongkhags.
2.Construction works associated with Extension of LT Overhead and UG Lines in and around Wangdue
For more details download the following NIQ.
The Electricity Services Division, Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Punakha would like to invite sealed bid for the Supply and Delivery of Annual Framework Contract 2022 as detailed below:
Sl. No. | Tender No. & Date | Tender Name | Bid Submission Date and Time | Opening of bids on the same day at : |
1 | BPC/ESD/AFC/T-1 dated April 11, 2022 | Supply and Delivery of misc materials. | 11th May, 2022 (14:30 Hrs) | 15:00 hrs |
The interested bidders may note and submit the details as per the bidding documents that can be downloaded from BPC website (www.bpc.bt) free of charge and should register with ESD, DCSD, BPC, Punakha at or before 14:30 hours on 11th May 2022 with a written application together with the valid business license and tax clearance certificate to make the bid enforceable.
Letter of Intent for Tender No: BPC/ESD/DAGA/TECH-23/2022/01 dated 07 March 2022