Category: Tender


Sonam Lhaden Tender Tags: ,

Procurement Division, C&PD, BPC, Thimphu is pleased to invite bids from eligible bidders having valid license to transport goods. The bid can be submitted through online or in hard copy on or before June 22, 2023 by 12:00 noon and will be opened on the same day at 2:30 pm in BPC Conference hall, Head Office, Thimphu.

Prior to submission of the bid, the bidder must register with the purchaser by submitting a written application along with a copy of valid license to make the bid enforceable. Registration should be carried out before the closing of bid sale date.

Please call 17576145 for any queries.

Procurement Division


Sonam Choki Tender Tags:

TOMS, BPCL, Phuentsholing invites sealed bids from the eligible Bhutanese Small Class (W1, W3 & W4)bidders having valid trade license registered with the Construction Development Board (CDB) for the work Labour Contract work for right of way (RoW) clearing of  Transmission Lines under TOMS, BPC, Phuentsholing”

a) Cost of bid document:Nu. 1,000.00 (Non- refundable).
b) Bid Sale Date:05/06/2023 to 19/06/2023 (Working Hours)
c) Place of sale (address):TOMS, TOMD, BPC, Phuentsholing. (Telephone no. 05-251809).
d) Submission of bids:19/06/2023 (on or before 12.00 hrs).
e) Opening of bids:19/06/2023 (on 14:00 hrs.)
f) Venue for opening of bids:BPC Conference hall, Phuentsholing.
g) Estimated Cost:Package 1: Nu.0.606 m, Package 2: Nu.647m,   Package 3: Nu. 0.402 m

The bidding document can be purchased by any interested eligible bidder upon submission of written application together with valid CDB certificate &trade license to the above address.  Bidding documents can also be downloaded from the BPC’s website The bidder who have downloaded the bid document and wish to participate should register with TOMS, TOMD, BPC, Phuentsholing prior to the bid submission date.


Sonam Lhaden Tender Tags: , ,

BPC/C&PD/CMS/TENDER-2023/17 – (Re-tender) June 06, 2023

Bhutan Power Corporation Limited would like to invite Sealed bids from eligible Small Class (W3) Bhutanese Contractors registered with Construction Development Board (CDB) having valid trade license and CDB certificate for the following work:

aBids forRectification of rabsel for the newly constructed staff
quarter in Gyelpoishing.

(Estimated Cost: Nu. 983,015.85)
bBid securityNu. 20,000.00
cCost of bid documentNu. 1,000/- (Non-refundable)
dDate of sale06.06.2023 – 20.06.2023
eDate of submission20.06.2023 (On or before 12:00 hrs)
fDate of opening20.06.2023 (14:30 hrs)
gVenue for openingBPC Conference Hall, Thimphu
hPre-bid meeting15.06.2023 (14:30hrs), BPC Conference Hall, HQ,
iSite visitCompulsory on 13.06.2023 from 900hrs till 1700hrs.
Shall be accompanied by CPO, Mongar.

Interested bidders may purchase the complete set of bidding documents from the
Contracts Management Section (CMS), BPC Head Office, Thimphu, upon submission of
written application along with copies of valid trade license, CDB registration certificate and
Tax clearance certificate to Senior Manager, CMS, BPC, Thimphu on or before 20.06.2023
during working hours.
Bidding documents can also be downloaded from

The bidder who has downloaded the bid document and wishes to participate should register with Senior
Manager, CMS, BPC, Thimphu, before closing the bid sale date.
For any other queries, contact Mr. Dorji Kinley, Senior Manager, at +975 2 322046.

Senior Manager


Sonam Lhaden Tender Tags: , ,

Electricity Services Division, Zhemgang, Distribution & Customer Services Division (DCSD), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC), Employer invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders meeting the qualification requirements for the construction of Labour contract of Plan and O&M works as per the scope of work mentioned hereinafter.

The brief scope of work is as under:

  1. Labour Contract of Plan and O&M Work – Package T1 – 2023

A. Plan Work: LV Line Extension (RE fillin) in and around Zhemgang Dzongkhag.

B. O &M Work: Right of Way (ROW) Clearing of Medium Voltage Line.

Detailed Specifications, scope of work and terms and conditions are given in the Bidding Documents, which are available at the address given below as per the following schedule:

NIT No and name of the package:NIT No. BPC/ESD/Zhem/W- 01/2023/dated June 1,2023: Labour contract of Plan and O&M works-package T1-2023
Estimated Cost of Works:Package – T1-2023:3.62 million
Bidding Documents shall be available from:From June 2,2023 to June 19, 2023
From 09:00 to 17:00
Bid receipt date & time:Up to June 19, 2023 by 12:00
Bid opening date & time:On June 19, 2023 at 14:30 at ESD Zhemgang O &M Room
Bidding Documents shall be available at :Sr. Divisional Manager, ESD,Zhemgang, BPC www.bpc,bt

Interested bidders can download documents from here


Sonam Lhaden Tender Tags: , ,

Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Wangduephodrang would like to invite Sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply and delivery of items as shown below.

SL.NoLot DescriptionsBid Security (Nu.)Validity of bid security
1Lot 1- Plumbing Materials5,000.0026th October 2023
2Lot 2- Paints5,000.0026th October 2023
3Lot 3- Tools and Plants5,000.0026th October 2023
4Lot 4- Electrical Items5,000.0026th October 2023
5Lot 5- Air Conditioners5,000.0026th October 2023
6Lot 6- Miscellaneous5,000.0026th October 2023
A Complete set of bidding document may be purchased by any interested eligible bidder on submission of a written application with valid license to the above address and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Nu. 500.00 (Ngultrum Five Hundred only) payable to the Accountant, FAS, BPC, Thimphu. The bidders who have downloaded and printed the bid document by themselves and wish to participate should register with ESD, BPC , Wangdue Phodrang on or before the closing of the bid sale date upon the submission of written application together with a valid license at the above address and make payment of Nu.200.00 (Ngultrum Two hundred only) non-refundable to make the bid enforceable. For any queries, contact at +975-2481282.

The detail invitation and the soft copy of the bidding document is available at

    Sr. Divisional Manager
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