No. BPC/ESD/GP/Tech-06/2021/ Date: 13/05/2021
The Bidder, (Contact # 17749036)
M/s. 9T2 Construction,
Subject: Letter of Intent
Reference: i) Tender No. BPC/ESD/GP/TENDER/2021/(01)
ii) Addendum No. BPC/ESD/GPH/Tech-06/2021/151 dated 21/04/2021
Dear Sir,
This is to notify you that, it is our intension to award the contract for your bid dated 07/05/2021 for execution of “Miscellaneous Civil Works of ESD & RSD, BPC, Gelephu” for the Contract Price of Nu. 2,660,742.09 (Ngultrum Two Million Six Hundred Sixty Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Two & Cheltrum Nine) only as corrected and modified in accordance to the Instructions to Bidders.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Tshering Nidup)
Chief Divisional Manager
Central Maintenance Division Project Office (CMDPO), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC), Thimphu, would like to extend the time for sealed bids for the following tender:
Sl. No. | Tender No. & Date | Tender Name | Date for sale (extension) | Date for Submission of bids | Date of opening of bids |
1 | BPC/CMDPO/2021 Equipment/2021/01 dt. 08th April 2021. | Supply and delivery of Machineries, Tools, Spares and Consumables. | From 06.05.2021 to 20.05.2021 | 20.05.2021 (13:00 Hrs.) | 20.05.2021 (14.30 Hrs.) |
a) Place of sale (address): | Central Maintenance Division Project Office, Yarden Lam, BPC, Thimphu, Bhutan. Tel # +975-2-330684 Email: | |
b) Venue of opening bids | BPC Conference Hall, Thimphu |
All the bidding documents can be purchased by any interested eligible bidder on the submission of written application together with the business license copy to the above address at or before 12:30 hours on 20th May 2021 for the above mentioned tender.
The bidding documents can also be downloaded from BPC website ( free of charge. However, the bidders should print a copy of the document by themselves. Bidders who have downloaded the bidding documents from the website should register themselves with CMDPO, BPC, Thimphu at or before 12:30 hours on 20th May 2021 for the mentioned tender with a written application together with the business license copy to make the bid enforceable.
The bid document can be downloaded from below:
(Project Director)
Construction of PT base at Deothang,Nangkor, kanglung,kilikhar and Nganglam Substations.
Bid Document for repair and maintenance of office, staff quarter buildings and other civil works in Tashicholing, Samtse & Phuentshopelri
Tender No. : BPC/ESD/GP/TENDER/M4-PW/2021/03 dated 7th May. 2021.
The Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC) invites sealed bids from Small class categories of Bhutanese National Contractors with W4 (Power and Telecommunications) having valid Trade License and registered with the Construction Development Board (CDB) for the works as mentioned below:
Sl# | Name of wor | Estimated cost (Nu) | Sale date | Submission Date & Time | Opning Date & Time | Bid security Nu. | Completion time |
1 | Labour contract for RE Fill-In work under ESD, Gelephu.ESSD, Sarpang.Augmentation work & installation of LBS under ESD, Gelphu | 1,293,504.00 | 9/05/21 to 10/06/21 | 10/6/2021 12:00 Noon | 10/6/2021 3:00 PM | 28,700.00 | 5 Months |
The detailed bidding documents can be purchased from the office of the Electricity Services Division, BPC, Gelephu upon submission of copies of valid Trade license, CDB registration certificate and Tax clearance certificates with appropriate written application, upon payment of non-refundable fee of Nu.1000.00 (Nu. One thousand) only for the above works. The bidding documents can also be downloaded from BPC’s website ( but should register with ESD, Gelephu on or before the closing of sale date after payng registration fee of Nu. 200.00 (Ng. two hundred) each.
Below is the link to download the Tender Documents.
Yours sincerely,
(Tshering Nidup)
Chief Divisional Manager