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Category: Tender

Time Extension Announcement

Sonam Choki Tender Tags:

With reference to Notice Inviting Tender no. BPC/DS/DCD/CWD/Nakulo-08/2020/284, dated
December, 2020, regarding the “Up-gradation of Road (without blacktopping) at Nakulo,
Simtohkha” (Estimated Cost: 11.00 million), BPC would like to inform that submission & opening
of bidding document for aforementioned work has been extended until further notice.

Time extension for NIT

Sonam Choki General, Tender Tags:

With reference to Notice Inviting Tender no.  BPC/DS/DCD/CWD/Nakulo-08/2020/284, dated December, 2020, regarding the“Up-gradation of Road (without blacktopping) at Nakulo, Simtohkha” (Estimated Cost: 11.00 million), BPC would like to inform that submission & opening of bidding document for aforementioned work has been extended till 15.01.2021, on or before 12:00 Hrs. All submitted bids will be opened on same day at 14:30Hrs at BPC Board Room, 4th Floor, BPC HQ Building, Thimphu.

Senior Manager

Tender announcement

Sonam Choki Tender

In view of the current situation, Electrification Division (ED), Distribution Construction Department (DCD), Distribution Services (DS), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC), Thimphu would like to notify that the work tender mentioned below is postponed until further notice.

  1. Name of work: Supply and Construction of UG Distribution Network at Dhamdum Industrial Park, Samtse (Bid No.: BPC/DS/DCD/ED/C-03 dated November 6, 2020)

Letter of Intent

Sonam Choki Tender Tags:

BPC/DS/DCD/ED/C-04/F1/ 728

1 62 63 64 65 66 71