Sonam Choki Tender Tags:

Bhutan Power Corporation Limited would like to invite sealed bids from eligible Large Class (W3) Bhutanese Contractors registered with Construction Development Board (CDB) having valid trade license and CDB certificate for the following work:

a)Bids forConstruction of 66/33kV substation and associated works at Jamtsholing, Tashicholiong, Samtse. (Estimated Cost: Nu. 55,650,025.00)
b)Bid securityNu. 1,113,000.00
c)Cost of bid documentNu. 3,000/-  (Non-refundable)
d)Date of sale26.04.2021 – 27.05.2021
e)Date of submission27.05.2021 (On or before 12:00 Hrs)
f)Date of opening27.05.2021 (15:30 Hrs)
g)Venue for openingBPC Conference Hall, Thimphu
h)Pre-bid meeting18.05.2021 (14:30 hrs),  BPC Conference Hall, HO, Thimphu

Interested bidders may purchase the complete set of bidding document from Transmission Construction Department (Third floor), BPC Head Office, Thimphu upon submission of written application along with copies of valid trade license, CDB registration certificate and Tax clearance certificate to the General Manager, Transmission Construction Department, BPC, Thimphu on or before 27.05.2021 during working hours.

Bidding documents can also be downloaded from below. The bidder who have downloaded the bid document and wish to participate should register with GM, TCD, TS, BPC, Thimphu with registration fee of Nu. 200.00, prior to the closing of bid sale date.

For any other queries, contact Mr. Dorji Kinley, Executive Engineer at +975 2 322046.

The scope of work includes following:

  1. Site grading works.
  2. Construction of 66/33kV equipment foundations.
  3. Construction of 66kV gantry tower foundations.
  4. Laying of earthing in the 66/33kV switchyard.
  5. Construction and electrification of control room building and pump house.
  6. Construction of chain link fencing and steel gate for switchyard.


  1. Tender Document
  2. Section VI – Technical Specification
  3. Section VII – Drawings
    1. Chain link fence
    2. Control Room Architectural
    3. Control Room Electrical
    4. Control Room Plumbing
    5. Control Room Structural
    6. Gate
      1. Traditional Bhutanese
      2. Yard
    7. Layout plan and section
      1. Layout plan
      2. Section on layout
    8. Pump House
      1. Architectural Drawing
      2. Electrical Drawings
      3. Structural Drawings
    9. Roads
      1. Bituminous
      2. Concrete
    10. RMM walls
  4. Section VIII – Bill of Quantities
    1. Summary of price
    2. BoQ
    3. Schedule 1
    4. Schedule 2