Sonam Choki Tender Tags:

TOMS, BPCL, Phuentsholing invites sealed bids from the eligible Bhutanese Small Class (W3)bidders having valid trade license registered with the Construction Development Board (CDB) for the work “Renovation of Control Room Building Roofing at Gomtu Substation and Construction of RRM wall at BPC colony, Malbase, Pasakha”

a)Cost of bid document:Nu. 1,000.00 (Non- refundable).
b)Bid Sale Date:21/03/2023 to 5/04/2023 (Working Hours)
c)Place of sale (address):TOMS, TOMD, BPC, Phuentsholing. (Telephone no. 05-251809).
d)Submission of bids:  05/04/2023 (on or before 14.30 hrs).
e)Opening of bids:05/04/2023 (on 15:30 hrs.)
f)Venue for opening of bids:BPC Conference hall, Phuentsholing.
g)Estimated Cost:Nu. 1.99 million

The bidding document can be purchased by any interested eligible bidder upon submission of written application together with valid CDB certificate &trade license to the above address.  Bidding documents can also be downloaded from the BPC’s website The bidder who have downloaded the bid document and wish to participate should register with TOMS, TOMD, BPC, Phuentsholing prior to the bid submission date.