Tender No. 3/BPC/DCSD/ESD/PARO/2023/145
The Electricity Services Division, Bhutan Power Corporation Limited, Paro and Haa would like to invite sealed bids from eligible Small class W4 (Power & Telecommunications) Bhutanese Contractor having valid Trade License and registered with the Construction Development Board (CDB) for the works as mentioned below: Name of Work: Labour contract for Right of Way (RoW) clearing of distribution lines and casting & painting of poles under Paro and Haa Dzongkhag.
Bid details: | |
a) Sale of Bid Document | 13th April, 2023 to 1st May, 2023 |
b) Cost of Bid Document | Nu. 1000.00 (Non-refundable) for hard copy & Nu. 300.00 as registration fee for those who downloaded from website. |
c) Bid security | Nu.36548 |
d) Place of Sale | ESD, BPC, Paro and Haa. |
e) Last Date of Submission | 1st May, 2023 (13:00 hours) |
f) Place of Submission | ESD, BPC, Paro |
g) Opening Date | 1st May, 2023 (14:30 hours) |
h) Place of Opening | Conference Hall, ESD, BPC, Paro |
Interested bidders may purchase complete set of bidding documents from ESD, BPC, Paro and Haa upon copies of valid trade license, CDB registration certificate and tax clearance certificate with appropriate written application. The bidding document can also be downloaded from BPC website (www.bpc.bt). However, bidder who have downloaded the bid document and wish to participate should register with ESD, BPC, Paro prior to the closing of bid sale date. For any other queries, Contact Senior Divisional Managers at 17118096 & 17116812.
Please download the bid document from the following link
Update: There is an Amendment issued for the above tender. Please download the same from the following
Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC) will be auctioning off the miscellaneous item at Singye Stores, Pasakha.
1. | Auction Bid No. | B11/BPC/PD/Auction/2023/ |
2. | Bidding Period | April 8 to April 12, 2023 |
3. | Bid document can be downloaded from | BPC website: www.bpc.bt/category/tender |
4. | Last date of bid submission | On or before 12:00 hours of April 12, 2023 |
5. | Place of Submission and Opening | Central Stores, BPC, Phuentsholing |
6. | Time & Date of Opening of bids | 14:30 hours on April 12, 2023 |
7. | Registration fee | Nu. 500/- Non-refundable |
The bidding documents can be downloaded from the BPC’s website at tender www.bpc.bt/announcement/category/tender. The interested bidders who have downloaded and printed the bid documents and wish to participate shall register with an application and a copy of valid Bhutanese trade License to the following office before the closing of bid submission date and time.
Senior Manager. Central Stores. Bhutan Power Corporation Limited. Phuentsholing, Bhutan.TEL: +975-5-254700.Email: karma.dorji@bpc.bt.
Tender No: BPC/ESD/DAGA/Tech-16/2023/76 dated 21st March 2023.
The Electricity Services Division, Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd, Dagana would like to invite sealed bids from eligible Small Class W4 (Power and Telecommunications) Bhutanese Contractor having valid Trade License and registered with the Construction Development Board (CDB) for the works as mentioned below.
Name of Work: Right of Way (RoW) Clearing and Substation fencing under ESD Dagana (Electrical Works)
Bid details: | |
a) Sale of Bid Document | 21st March 2023 to 17th April 2023 |
b) Cost of Bid Document | Nu. 1,000.00 (Non-refundable) |
d) Place of Sale | ESD, BPC Dagana (Dagapela) |
e) Last Date of Submission | 17th April 2023 (13:00 hours) |
f) Place of Submission | ESD, BPC Dagana |
g) Opening Date | 17th April 2023 (14:30 hours) |
h) Place of Opening | Conference Hall, ESD, BPC, Dagana |
Interested bidders may purchase complete set of bidding documents from the office of the ESD, Dagana upon submission of copies of valid Trade License, CDB registration certificate and Tax clearance certificate with appropriate written application. Bidding documents can be download from BPC website (www.bpc.bt). For any other queries, Contact Sr. Divisional Manager at 77103456 & 77103457.
You can download the bid document from following link:
Bid No. BPC/TOMS/Jling/Civil/2023-01
Letter of intent for Bid No: BPC/TOMS/Jling/Civil/2023 dated 17th February 2023 for execution of ” Construction of RRM wall at Tower Loc.# JG-1-016 in 400 kV Transmission Line above Phulari and Re-alignment of existing BPC drinking water Pipeline inside Jigmeling Industrial Park, Sarpang ” under TOMS, Jigmeling, Sarpang.
Download the letter of intent from following:
The Procurement Division (PD), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC), Thimphu, invites eligible bidders to submit e-bids through e-procurement system (www.tender.bt) for the following tender:
Sl. No. | Tender No. & Date | Tender Name | Date for sale | Date for Submission of bids | Date of opening of bids |
1 | BPC/PD/Electrical Materials/2023/07 dated March 25, 2023 | Supply and Delivery of Electrical Line & Substation Materials and other Accessories | From 25.03.2023 to 25.04.2023 | 25.04.2023, Tuesday (14:30 Hrs) | 25.04.2023, Tuesday (15:00 Hrs) |
Interested eligible bidders may kindly visit the website www.tender.bt for vendor registration and to submit the bid online. The user manual for vendor registration and bidding process is available on the website www.tender.bt.